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Woah, I didn't expect to get feedback so quickly! Thank you very much for trying out the game. My responses will be in the same order as your comments.

- Ah wonderful. I'm glad the visuals are coherent.

- Thank you again for the kind words. When I was first making the game I had been playtesting it with my significant other, and she never exactly knew when we had shot one another (due to there being no death/kill animations at all then). Plus the camera didn't change so we froze and then just had dead-space. Once I added in the kill-cam I instantly felt the game was much better haha.

"See the winner move at that moment" The winner most definitely will move. I already have the animations made, I just need to import them in. I've created a new death animation that is much more cartoon-esque, but I've also made the animation for the winner to pull out his gun, and shoot the other player. [Might consider adding a victory pose for them following that? Perhaps a character specific one? I'm not a fan of animating (it takes me forever) haha.]

- It's weird. This game can absolutely not be fully understood alone. I can't even develop the gameplay when I'm alone. But, once you get two people playing, you start to see where all the gameplay is. The strategies and tactics people use on each other attempting to trick one another into making a wrong move is strangely really fun.

The game does lack interaction beyond the base mechanic though. Is that a bad thing though? It is a mini-game afterall. I've consider perhaps adding power-up items or things you can pick up and throw / other kinda things to interact with the environment. Like going in one building and coming out another?

- I'll touch on the A.I. suggestion. Currently I'm polishing the AI on my primary project (which should release next month as it's almost done) and man do I hate AI programming, it is the most tedious and time consuming process to think of all possible things an AI could and should do.

I have no plans to add an AI to Stand Your Ground. I can't possibly envision a way to make an AI that is fun to play this game with. He'll either be too easily out-maneuvered, look ridiculous in the randomization of his movements (or very predictable), or he'd be amazing at the game and would actually drive players away.

I think the addition of Online Multiplayer will cure the single-player neglect of this game. It's really not a fun game without another person, kind of like solitary haha.

Pharmakon - I'll definitely check the game out and give some feedback, however I can't do it any time soon. Currently my online presence is limited to a 20kb/s mobile hotspot. (No idea how I'll post my next build...) However, once I move to my new place and get the internet going I'll definitely remember OR if I happen to visit a friend with internet I'll download it. ^_^

Thanks again for the feedback.