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The balancing is certainly a bit out of whack in the late stages of the game.  I'll consider making a hitting coach with blanket coverage and appropriate downsides.  I have plans to add some potential sinks so that you won't necessarily  be maxing out every rating. 

I will say that there is a trade-off with your strategy as well.   It may be a few less clicks to max out pitchers (and I won't blame you for wanting that), but pitchers do have less overall stat points available to them for now, so you will earn less for cutting a maxed out pitcher than a maxed out hitter in most cases. 

I appreciate you making me aware of that problem.

Oh another thing: the clubhouse upgrade increases knowledge, but it doesn't seem to be a player or coach/manager/scout stat as  far as I can tell so...does it do anything?

Ahh yeah, I think I renamed the rating to "Teach" at some point and must not have updated the name in the upgrade.