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(5 edits)

Before anyone questions why the heck this game is what it is: Two words, One Room.

One Room to rule them all, duh. Well what's the biggest room then? A warehouse. What happens in a warehouse? Capitalistic monopolies. One Room to rule them all.

Am I just sleep deprived? Probably. And I shouldn't be. When providing feedback, kindly keep in mind that despite this jam being well over 2 days long, I only had 16 hours free to work on my submission. I then chose to sleep-in for several of those hours, instead sacrificing my already unreliable nighttime rest to complete the project. Now it's 5:20am, I have to work in 3 hours, and I can't sleep. So I'm ranting. Raving even. But if you still don't understand why I'm going through all of this effort: Two words, One Room.