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Hi! What a cool concept! The art style is great and details like the squash and stretch take it to a next level. I also really enjoyed how you handled jumping right next to a step and taking you right to the top.

Unfortunately, I can seem to get past the level where the bigger recording area is introduced, the recording seems to stop working for me. The grab mechanic also leaves me stuck.

I'd love to see the rest of the game if possible! Great work!

Technically, there is a hint for that level within the images for the game, which tells you where to place the rift / move around in it. 

The grab mechanic will grab onto the nearest box, and move you with it. So, if a past recording is moving a box, you can grab it and move along with them. My fault for not having a good explanation for how this works, most of my detailed descriptions are on the Itch page itself.

What do you mean by the recording stops working?

This is why I included a skip level, since I know not all of them are fair difficulty wise. Hopefully this information helps!

Okay, it was my bad, I did not figure out that mechanic. If I tried to grab a box in the real, not recorded world, I would be unable to let go.
Huge fan of the concept and execution here, the later, timing based levels we're giving me a lot of trouble, even trying to move along to the beat of the soundtrack the door shutting hitbox felt a bit large.

You can jump off of a box when you're grabbed to it, which is why I have the jump direction on the top of the level. Still my bad for not explaining thoroughly. 

And I agree, the timing level with jumping onto the platforms is probably the hardest one, since I didn't have enough time to change how the collision worked to make it more lenient. The best advice I can give for it, is to give yourself some sort of visual que, maybe crouching twice right before you're going to move off the button. Even then, it still it very difficult.

I did try that, but my timing sense is also quite poor xD