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just wanted to ask something about TAA_EnemyDrops. Will it have a feature where you can set drop amounts for items? instead of spamming the drop x times in the notetag, mostly talking about Yanfly's plugin.


Short answer, yes. You'll be able to define the amount of items dropped for each config. :)

Long and more detailed answer: When setting up a drop config with TAA_EnemyDrops you'll be able to define conditional rules that influence the chance of dropping an item, the amount of items dropped, and even an attenuation effect on chance calculations. For example, you can create a setting to drop 5 potions, where the first one has 50% chance of dropping, the second 45%, the third 40%, and so on. The idea is to allow a single set of conditions to drop one or more instances of the same item, where for each instance dropped, the probability of getting another one diminishes. (or you can set parameters to have the same probability for all instances).