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(1 edit)

just to know, is there a score threshold that we have to meet with Dan when the branching decision appears? (which I guess it's when he's kicked out of Q&A)

(I'm asking because I thought I had done everything but apparently that conversation didn't have any meaningful consequences -unless I do something wrong in the early couple of weeks, I got a "not feeling confident to talk with Dan yet" on the 20th of January which makes me wonder if there's a possibility)

That is the correct branching point

If you've gotten that decision, and went after Dan, and you've hooked up with Dan enough, stuff will happen the next time you hook up from the planner

thanks, did it! Apparently the trick was really the early game (at least in my experience), you really need to start Q&A one week earlier.

By the way, the comment in Dev items that the last in-game CG for Dan works as double also for a 'secret' route is pretty interesting, I'm curious now!