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The breathing mechanic is hilarious, I absolutely love it. But the tasks flat out did not work for me. I don't know if it's browser (Chrome) or what, but it was clearly bugged. So I made no money.

Did you try right click?


Yeah, I tried both clicks and a bunch of random keys. Not sure why it didn't work. It was a fresh install of Chrome on Windows 10, so pretty standard platform.

Did you have any item on your hand or something?


not that I know of. It was really weird, I could do everything but actions.  Teleport, breathe, etc. It was all fine. I might try it again later. Regardless, I still got a kick out of the game because the breathing mechanic was so funny.


it was exactly the same for me, unfortunately :( I completely agree about the breathing mechanic, it was hilarious :D 

I tried using Chrome and the game works fine. Odd.