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other than the bug I encountered a few times when accessing the pause screen that caused me to have to exit the demo with, task manager and restart again. It had some things like the news popping on the small tv and other elements that really brought the world alive more than just being another house to walk through while getting scared. Looking forward to seeing the final product cannot wait to see what you do in the full game.

The bug was a couple of times once during gameplay and once right after I finished the demo I pressed escape to take me to the pause menu and for whatever reason, it would not let me choose any of the three choices on that menu.

Hey! I am so sorry for this, unfortunately we don't have support for this demo anymore! It's a demo from 2017 and we kept working on the game since then! The inputs weren't working as they were supposed to be!

 Please take a look at our brand new trailer! The full version of the game is coming in a few months from now! 

wow it is just not showing up the horror page as anew game now for being so old. But is the full version out now because despite the set back I really enjoyed the demo and would like to play the full game.