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Really missing the sound- would probably be worth it to add some placeholders for your next prototype it really transforms a game.

Lighting and vibe is on point, love how you introduce new rooms by suddenly turning the lights on.  makes hallways kinda scary :D

Really hard to know where I'm shooting, Idk if it's the turn speed or the small cursor  or what but it's really annoying to try to aim right now.  I like the pistol because you can aim by shooting, but with the shotgun you don't shoot often enough to aim this way.  giving the character a laser pointer could be really helpful.

Bug where you get stuck when you touch a wall is pretty annoying to work with but I'm sure it'll be gone in the final.

love the look of the wall arm guy, but I'm confused if I'm doing less damage by attacking him in the front, I'd think so, but the turn speed on the aim makes it so annoying to try to turn around fast that I just attack him from the front anyway

Great prototype fellas looking forward to see where it goes

Thanks for you comment it really means a lot to me and Andrew when people give us great comments like this. ill fix all the bugs you have listed by next prototype, The enemy with wall arms blocks attacks with his walls if you dash through him he will try to attack you leaving him open to attacks, we haven't got a lot of experience with sound design so it would mean alot to us if you could list some good sound sites and Thanks for your Comment.