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Austin & Andrew

A member registered Apr 06, 2018 · View creator page →

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Awesome game the whole experience felt smooth and the art style had so much character keep up the good work.

I have Been working on the Skill Tree for the Shotgun recently Finished it.

Hello, Wolzardred 

Thanks for your feedback its much appreciated a lot of the bugs you have come across and performance increasing aspects you have talked about are being fixed before the next prototype somethings like the reload bar are great ideas and i will implement them as soon as i can, we are going to add in a screen shake when the player gets hit as for the shield when you do damage to enemies you gain one after a sustain amount they act as bonus life because the player will have a hard time getting back lives they are also the fuel for your ultimate ability which cost four shields and is an AOE blast of bullets, i like the idea of introducing enemies and will use that in the future for the first rooms.

Thanks for playing the game,

Austin and Andrew.

We would love to receive feedback from all players so that we can improve our game and find bugs. 

Thanks for you comment it really means a lot to me and Andrew when people give us great comments like this. ill fix all the bugs you have listed by next prototype, The enemy with wall arms blocks attacks with his walls if you dash through him he will try to attack you leaving him open to attacks, we haven't got a lot of experience with sound design so it would mean alot to us if you could list some good sound sites and Thanks for your Comment.