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A member registered Feb 27, 2016 · View creator page →

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Love the singles update! Two feature reqs: Remember your search filters in the trunk, and or order the cards with the rarest first

Damn that was fast!

If you want to screen share and talk over the before->after situation I bet we could figure something out if we allow some performance atrocities to be committed at a small scale.  Like, just create a whole new temp weapon on hover with all the same attachments and the new letter then read stats from that or something.  

Having letters on the upgrades is a big improvement.  I got all the unlocks and got down a few depths.  

Some more feedbacks / suggestions

+ I think the default weapon should be the pistol, the sub-machine gun sucks way too much early on, and it's just not fun hoping you get lucky with the spread.

+ Consider adding a "first one's free" upgrade at depth, or even just on the very first

+ It'd be very helpful / cool if you could see the weapons stats [before]->[after] when hovering with a letter upgrade.

+ When you hover over an item the available slots could light up, maybe depending on letter compatibility.

+ The notification telling you to buy unlocks is the most prominent thing on the screen, before you can even buy an upgrade

+ Gaining biomass is very subtle. Could use a sound effect / animation to indicate when it's happening.

+ Wish you could sell / delete weapon upgrades.

+ Wish you could freeze an upgrade or buy it but not equip until you unlock (or activate?) the slot.  There's just so many reasons an upgrade is probably irrelevant or unusable, it could use a mitigation imo.

Game is super rad. Best of luck and congrats on the release :)

First off I want to say I love the level of polish on the ui, the clean graphics are satisfying and look great.

I'll keep playing this to figure it out.  I imagine the upgrade tree is what is meant to make this game playable.  It seems to take a lot of inspiration from brotato / survivorlikes, but it has some regressions in my opinion.

Paying money for heals? Hate it.  I'd prefer to start with very little hp, and then have risk increase if I don't prioritize hp upgrades, rather than having to pay my upgrade money for bandaids every round.

No free upgrade choices starting out.  You can spend multiple waves without making a single upgrade decision, which is really the core of survivor likes fun.  In brotato and vampire survivors you get upgrades on level up, which happens quickly.

I don't understand the weapon letter system at all, why they must "contain a letter" and I find it annoying when half my options are for a letter I don't have.  (even less choice)  

The starter weapon is super annoying to use.  The spread is so high, and it's unnecessarily underpowered.

Overall I think the game ramps up too quick, shows too much complexity all at once.  It's okay for games to be easy, at least at first. it's fun to win.  I'm gonna keep playing and figure out what this game is about, but the new player experience is pretty rough at the moment.  I'd recommend giving the user upgrades from the end of wave one and generally make it easier starting out.  The first couple waves can be pushovers, and in general the game could be way easier starting out, and ascensions for improvement.

Peak of the Rogue Light Deck Building genre.
Actually so polished and surprisingly addictive.  Love the creepy environment and worldbuilding.  My arm is kind of tired from swinging that hammer all day lol

I hit the same issues with the ticking sound and stuff.

uh yea i think i will not run as administrator lol

So good!  

Fun survivorlike! :D  i love how the poison / fire apply to everything, i had some fun builds

Damn! Wasn't ready for the demo to end, well done :D

So good!  Could have easily played twice as long.  One UI thing is I wish you could still see the talent tree effects on hover when you're selecting a new power, I always forget which upgrades I've purhcased so far

ah yo-yo reactor will be the big thing, cool to see recall getting more attention.  Or just have 4 mana reducers ready to go in case you find the reactor at tier 5 lol

Haha nice! Love me a good bit of game dev lore.  I'll remember this when Scrong The Spire blows up

It's a similar mechanic to a game called "Blood Card" where your deck is your hp.  Underrated game.  But yeah, I could imagine plenty of ways indicating the danger and increased stakes of getting low on "health"  Just show red vignette at the border and heart beat like cod lol

Can't wait to see more!

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Love this game.  I feel like it should be called "Scrongle" Haha

it took me a long time to realize that the game is over when you run out of cards

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I think I've seen it on one other game a long time ago, but it's working on the other fullscreen game i had handy in my downloads folder (unity based)

ill give obs a try tomorrow

(3 edits)

Here's my gameplay from my 10th run or so.  I recommend finding first timers to watch playing your game and iterating so it can be less overwhelming

Ah damn, my screen recorder shareX can't capture the game, it's just freezing on the start screen

Okay, super charming art - some feedback about the game's balance

Game is wayyy too hard starting out.  The tutorial shouldn't auto disappear in 2 seconds.  There's just too many enemy types, pick ups, and interaction events, too soon. I died about 6 times before reaching the first tower, and I don't feel like I have adequate time to take in all the new concepts.  On the bright side, you have a lot of content to stretch out, it just really needs to be introduced one at a time rather than all at once.

Pretty interesting pop out browser embed thing, shame about the lag spikes.  I'm already enchanted with the art so I'll download it and try it out for real

Feels great even in browser!  The dodge roll is so satisfying.  I died to the ice boss, I think the ice projectiles don't contrast the background enough personally. 

lol omg

This is awesome!  I didn't realize what I was getting into but I really enjoyed the game loop, I had no idea it was a part of luck-be-a-landlord type progression until the first boss challenged me.  I gotta try out the other builds now, pink seems fun

I feel like I must have commented on this before.  It's so god damn good, I've played the HELL out of the demo, can't wait for the full release!


I love the art update!  The coins add nice flavour, but are super annoying when they block dragging the cards into the drop zones, you should disable the colliders when you're dragging a card

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I feel like it might be a bug- but every one of the controls feel like there's a layer of molasses between my keypress and the game response.  I'm constantly fighting with the character controller, over-shooting or under shooting where I want to be.  Even opening the menus, viewing the build options etc. I'm on Windows with keyboard btw. 

It's such a cool concept but it's just such a chore to play in it's current state


Hahaha this rocks I just wanted more of it fun game :)

Just found this from your github page and I think its 😎 Very cool

Yep it was a browser issue don't mind me.  Awesome game btw!

This looks very cool, I'm downloading now, FYI its showing up as black screen for me on web but I hear sounds

this is incredible! had no idea what I was in for when I clicked on it

done quite a few runs now, very satisfying trying out the different builds.

Hit a crash after finishing the beach boss seagull




action number 1

of  Step Event0

for object oDeck:

local variable l_rewardlist(100001, -2147483648) not set before reading it.

at gml_Script_scrGetBossRewardList



stack frame is

gml_Script_scrGetBossRewardList (line -1)



Found a bug on the exe version 0.4.2.   I beat all difficulties, then went back and beat difficulty 2- it said "difficulty 3 unlocked" in the reward screen, but then reset my coins and all my unlocks, and made me do tutorial again.

Really enjoyed the game btw :)

(2 edits)

more notes 4 u

clover says it has a 75% drop rate for rainbows and I dont believe it, rainbow doesnt say the rate- it also doesn't mention it has to be in the "chain" with the rainbow in tooltip

the max spawn count makes sense!  I think it could be a cool gameplay consideration to show the percentage of spawn count usage, or just when you get near it?  Kind of a fun ego thing to pass it up with your build too

In my experience the bouncers tend to ricochet off the post and bounce out more often than not, maybe the collider could shrink a tiny bit or get phasing for a moment to make it slightly more effective

obv still loving this game a lot keep it up :D

bonus note: i wish pig stopped eating coins or gave a bonus after 30. its still a good piece but feels bad. 

super bonus: the term "in the chain" is confusing due to the top feed  showing a single line of events all pointing to each other like a chain.  Maybe a system for explaining keywords or just a sheet of definitions could be an easy stop gap for this confusion.   


note: bowguette tooltip doesnt say it kills ball to fire a ballguette

(1 edit)

SO GOOD- way too fun.  Learning process was fun, I enjoyed figuring out how to avoid certain pitfalls.  After 5 runs or so I'm getting like 10x currency i need for tax regularly so looking forward to ascensions and stuff.

My current strategies rely mostly on triggering spawn chains with brooms -> chickens -> obregenes, and then trigger whatever high value stuff I can find.  I don't think I understand how the whale works but it's been giving me like a hundred thousand coins in the end game

Really coool gameI should go to bed lol

Fun concept! I like the balance of # of op dice and # of demons would like to see more challenge / levels. great jam game

could have the boss scale in damage, increase attack rate, and let you buff your spells over time roguelite style

Nice game! I'd have made the npcs not collide with the player, the player / enemy bullets different colors, and the coins appear beneath the zombies and players,  the raw number of them obscures everything- no lag though :D

if he makes over a million dollars on this he is screwed

Love the interface, looks and sounds great!  Got stuck around 13, nice concept, was cool to see the equation in the top left though I mostly just fiddled around to fit anyway.