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"Dictation is a WIP at the moment. It works for yes/no answers, but not for the questions that currently require dictation, like when she asks your age."

OK, so how do pass the age test??

Well if you have to ask, you must not be old enough. 😉

Actually it's just a systems prototype at the moment,  so you can't actually get past that until I finish up some more of the input systems. I appreciate you taking it out, though! Stay tuned!

Well, I did say all the numbers from 1 to infinity out loud, so I should have figured it didn't get that far :P

It's great to hear that this project is still on going. Looking forward to see where it goes ^^

Not sure if you need any, but if you need an extra hand with the project, I'd be willing to help :)

Oh yeah? Hit me up on Discord: DeviantDev#9936

Will do :) FarrajAjmi#7940