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Good game, I have two major issues 

1) controller support native

2) checkpoints are either too close together, with no challenge between, or staggeringly far apart, like the next-to-last obstacle set. that one gauntlet leading into the boss room took me 45 minutes to complete ( with a smoke break in between to calm my nerves ) 

other than that, I like this. 

and even though this isn't representative of the final product ( i understand each level will be a different game genre) 

I am very familiar with " rage platformers " and for this to work, you're gonna need to also adjust oneminor thing - the timing

some obstacles are ridiculously set on a very very specific timing, that ; if you don't reach the area at EXACTLy the moment you need, the whole thing falls apart, or makes you wait for longer than you should.

also, why a timer, the more time you have makes the final boss harder. I don't undersand that final room, it's like you're punished for reaching the final room faster.

remove the timer aspect, and be more forgiving with checkpoints

 ( perhaps make each new room a checkpoint instead of those awkward flags? that would be perfect. ) 

editing this out wasa nightmare bc of the strange checkpoint system. ( for my youtube upload ) 

so yeah, quality of life improvement right there.

i'll take your suggestions into consideration. can you share the youtube upload with me whenever you have it ready? thanks!


Here ya go ^^

I actually used Joy2key so I could play with a controller. And I edited out the huge chunks of repeated failures.

loved it though, good style to it.

Yeah, I agree. Making each new room a checkpoint would be a bit better. I sometimes had problems with moving platforms too: the moment you get there, the platform is already floating away and I lost a lot of time because of that. Other than that, the game is perfect for me. Like you said, some adjustments on timing would make it perfect (the loading screen at the beginning takes quite some time too but it's just a demo version after all)