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So did the actual 5.1 update come out yet? I know you said that it be made clear when it's gonna be released, but's been a while. I don't mean to sound demanding, but I just wanted to check up on things :(


I'll copy paste this from the discord server as an update; Essentially I'm having some health issues and taking a break to properly recover.

Hi, I figure it's time to give you guys an update as John's update isn't out yet. I wanted to put John's update out this week, but I've run into some health issues which have really brought me to weird places mentally as well as physically. I'm recovering and I'll be fine in a while, but writing ends up becoming very difficult when it comes to sticking to something I put a lot of values in. 
So, to preserve myself and relieve a lot of the pressure I won't be writing anything on DT for a little while. I'll still be working on other improvements on the VN (such as implementing Wattsons blinking fix fully) and I'm hoping to be back with an update by the end of July at latest, but it's not something I can promise at this point.
 As a side note, I still want to write so I'll most likely be doing a side story or something similar to Steadfast while clearing my head out. All the best.

Oh no….I’m sorry to hear that…hopefully you’ll have a nice recovery!🐊