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Great one! Eager for the full thing!

Question: I'm not sure about the creatures stats. Was that proposital?
Here's what I think:

1d4 Flying spy drones DMG 2 DEF 1xN DIF 5 Special Self destruct (ALL) DMG 3 DIF 4

-they cause 2 damage, have 1x(number of them or of players), you fail if roll less than 5. Self destruct is a 'move', causing 3 damage, and you roll the standard way to avoid it (4+ to not fail)

Am I too far off?

You’ve got it! The full combat rules will be in the full game, but here you go- All creatures attack as a pack, so no matter how many there are they retaliate after every player turn. To dodge their attack you have to match their Difficulty. Defense is like a pack HP, so if there are 3 of them, the pack has 3 DEF. If a player does a crit, doing 2 damage, they manage to destroy 2 at once. The Special is an attack the pack can do once per round (a round is over when every player has attacked and every attack has been retaliated). Specials sometimes effect all players at once, rather than one (marked ALL), or have special conditions. I hope that helps! 

Nice! Helps a lot