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(1 edit) (+4)(-2)

Hiya, I'd like to start this off by saying that I really enjoyed the game. It was a little tricky to piece together the story while playing, but once I thought about it afterwards I'm fairly certain I understand what's going on, and I love it.

The horror elements are handled nicely here, there aren't any big in your face jump scares to speak of. Instead, there's a tense and unnerving atmosphere, the music and sounds play a big role in that. From the sounds of scribbling on walls to the flickering lights, everything is meant to make you feel somewhat uncomfortable which is fantastic for a horror game.

The game is also visually appealing, and I liked that it made use of visual distortions to further add to the players unease. The only complaint I can think of is in regards to the controls, the mouse movement felt just a tiny bit sluggish at times.

It's a great horror game with plenty of spooks to be had, and an interesting story to be told, I'd definitely recommend everyone give this game a try.

I hope you don't mind, but I recorded a let's play of the game for my channel.

Cheers, and best wishes to you!


Looks like someone went on a downvoting spree in the comment here. Why are people so petty? <3UFK


Yeah, I noticed that when I first posted my comment here. Looks like they came back for a round 2 (possibly 3) as well. Seems very strange to me, as far as I can tell, rating comments on Itch doesn't actually do I don't know what they're trying to achieve here, unless if they're just looking to waste their time, in which case I think they succeeded admirably.