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Hahah, damn that sounds terrible! As it is right now, it'd cost $100 USD for me to submit my game to Steam Direct and I doubt I'd ever recoup the money (this is a short Game-Jam project). But I'll let you in on a little secret: just wait for the sale to end and the game will go back it's free/donation state. I only started charging because I wanted to try and get the game promoted via the sale. Turns out it hasn't really done anything in terms of views/downloads so I'll be reverting it at the end of the promotion.

Sorry for the inconvenience!


Oh i see, i had no idea it costed that much, never published a game myself in there. Yeah that's completely understandable.
Thank you for the news and and thanks for replying. i'll follow you and wait the chance to try the game.

Thank you so much, and no need to apologize.