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This was a fun way to spend twenty minutes! I enjoyed the level of detail of the tutorial section, especially for a pico game, and loved the art. You mention Into the Breach, but this also reminds me of Final Fantasy Tactics. The short mystery/horror story added some nice flavor to the experience, as did the increasingly complex/powerful card options. Thanks for making and sharing this! I found this from following Pico-8 Tweets, but I think it would be well-received on the BBS, too. Dunno if you tested this on mobile, but besides the buttons being "wrong" it played just fine!

Thanks a ton for playing and for the kind words, I'm glad you liked it! I'm really happy you appreciated the tutorial, I was on the fence on whether or not it dragged on for too long.

I'm glad you liked the art/story and the card combos as well! As for BBS: I have a few obscure bugs my friends found that I need to fix real quick, but after that I think I'll definitely try publishing this to the Pico 8 BBS.

Glad to hear it worked out on mobile too, I'm always worried some weird bugs will arise on other platforms so it's good to hear it played smoothly!

Thanks again for playing and for commenting! I really appreciate it!