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(4 edits) (+1)

Hello, I mean a specific sort of storytelling games where the main mechanical interaction between players is about determining who gets to narrate a segment of the story, usually a dramatic/conflictual question, AND this mechanic is a strategy game. Like Capes (Lower-Basch).

A fellow game crafter, Demiurge, has got a game like this, Muse, and we're talking about it. Also, I've come upon some such games these last two weeks, reading contributions for a jam.

I could let that go, but my inutition tells me I can learn something about me and my own past self here. I worked a lot on such games when I began crafting, and it sort of always felt moot. I am now convinced that nobody cares "who gets to narrate ?" This question feels like an OK mix of good ingredients. Ab absurdo ; I win the right to narrate, so what do I do with the other players' suggestions, turn them down ? As a side mechanic ? a'right. But the game of determining who narrates (dice, cards, nomination) is always more interesting and the prize seems dull.

Why would I get into strategical thinking for 0 stakes ? I know the idea is that players attach themselves to fictional stakes. But they do without having to fight for it, and I don't want to encourage the illusion that fight or sacrifice are what gives value to things IRL, when it's just a way to show value IN A STORY. To me, the prize is there as a sort of merry-go-round brass ring, distracting from the collaborative effort with the people right in front of you. But it's fun ! I remember that much now !