Your game demo is coming along really good :thumbsup.gif
Grab the new build - It should have some of the new assets you had requested and more
I tried and will try again to upload the game to but it will not let me upload a cover photo so I will keep working on that. I know its probably too early and I know about most of the issues I need to fix but i thought you might enjoy a little game action! Also let me know what i should add. I'm working on leaderboards and achievements. I have 1 more enemy to add and more vehicles. I was coming up with some other upgrades, like a mini player that you spawn to keep throwing apples. Also i am going to make a platformer because I love this art! Here is a link to a build that is not finished.
Suweet! those metal apples do some serious damage
I like the idea of a companion
Small suggestion - bump up the play area a little to the center of the screen. This will help players see the game play area and also see their game stats a lot more easier :)
I though this pack has a title - if not I shall make you one when needed
Love how this game is evolving with each update - thanks for sharing, and glad you like the art and are making the best use outta it!