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(some spoilers below)

I had a blast playing this! I love the freeform nature of the puzzles, both in how generous (as opposed to having very exact requirements) the solutions are, and that I never needed to push through ones I found unenjoyably difficult. and even then, when I felt like I didn't know where to start with any given puzzle, I loved thinking about ways to break out of the wall boundaries to find secrets.

and oh my gosh, the secrets! the secret rooms are so fun to figure out, even when there's no "point" to the empty rooms. the little visual and title gags each one has is its own reward! the extra puzzles in some of the level hubs, leading to the secret warps, were especially fun. after I realized I could go back to the second main hub to use the new skull power, it was interesting to imagine what the later "previews" for the televisions and amoebas suggested about their upcoming powers.

the visual design throughout is wonderful, both of your art styles combine in great ways! everybody in this game is so full of character, in their designs and speaking personalities. there's a lot of charm in seeing how open and comfortable a lot of these folk are, especially in how they navigate sex, as well their readiness to admit faults and face it. the magical boyfriends and Yippie are my favourites. and the way the point of the game is to help cure The Grmmble feels good! evoking what Yippie says in the ending, this wasn't a quest to save the world, but to take care of people in this queer community, and that's lovely. all that said, one character that stands out to me in a negative way was the shitty uncle. his dialogue was unpleasant in a way that, for me, broke the tone of the rest of the game. but his prescence is ultimately minimal, so he didn't hamper my experience further than that one meeting with him.

I think my favourite single area was Pumpkinland, because the design has such a funny sense of approach, like it's subverting the sensibilities of the rest of the game. Moonfog was kind of my least favourite area, since I had such a hard time with all of the puzzles there- so far I've only been able to complete two of them. however, I know I tend to struggle with puzzles where I need to visualize future states, I typically can only work with what I can currently see. so it's hard for me to say if there's a significant difficulty spike there, or if it's just that the skulls mechanic is the toughest for me personally to work with.

also, the soundtrack freaking rocks all the way through!!

thank you both so much for making such a wonderful game! it makes me happy to see what y'all are working on these days. I look forward to whatever comes next!


Whoops we took literal ages to respond but I'm really glad you resonated with the game so much and thanks for giving such a positive review, it's really appreciated!! <3 (even tho it took ages to respond :p but nevermind that)