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(1 edit)

I loved the demo! This is so cute. All the characters are interesting(if a bit too dramatic and over the top but in a nice way) and well written. I love the CGs and the voice acting for those particular scenes is great. But the truly underrated character here is Gary's Friend, whom the MC narrates about in practically every scene. I don't know why I find that funny but I don't even know her name despite meeting her several times. I love the college setting and the backstories of each of the characters. There was a weird moment with that "Ameripan" thing which makes me wonder if there is like some sci-fi storyline in the full game. 

I'm looking forward to playing the full game, Hope you guys release it by the end of this year!

Edit: Cain reminds me so much of Caine from Tailor Tales, they are SOO similar

We're thrilled to hear some praise for one of the side characters! There will be a few more in the full game that liven up Pipe Dream's campus world. Poor Robin... she's just not that great with names. 

(We went and looked up Tailor Tales just now... so many redhead Cain/Caines out there!😱)