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This is a fun system with a clever collection of games! I appreciate how easy they are to play and how open to interpretation these stats are, and there's something for all sorts of moods! I definitely need a full 5 points in Hokey Religions in Far Far Away and Bad Puns in Eighth Wonder of the World.

PS: in "fantasy.pdf" the "Play this game when" doesn't have anything after it.

Oh yeah, I didn't really get back to fixing up this game but I ran out of time. Thank you for the kind words!

Hey, it's totally understandable, you made a great, solid, fun system and a bunch of games to go with it! Plus bundling them all together is incredible!


I made games to play with my partner when we go to Disneyland for my birthday. :)

Oh, that's perfect!!! Happy upcoming birthday, or if it already happened, I hope it was an awesome birthday :D


It's actually over a month away but still, thank you.