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wow thanks for the detailed reply!! My original intent was to have it so you could customize the play experience but I ran out of time. Essentially the game doesn't use timers but had a 'minimum' for each element. As soon as an element amount is below the minimum it generates new ones. So by default I have it set to 4 green, 4 red, 1 carrot. 1 space, and 1 package. So you shouldn't have an issue with having too many red vs greens unless you hit the package icons. Thank you for the feedback! I will have the gameplay difficulty stuff added in an update for sure!! :)


Ahh yeah I had a suspicion I might have hit a package. My bad! Would love a customised play experience like slower falling as settings but yeah hard to implement all you want to in a game jam. Nice work!

That's a good idea too! I might add some speed stuff in there as well! :P By the end I will probably have it set up in a SSB type of way where you can completely customize each round. Though for highscores I will probably have 3 pre-defined modes (if I do a global highscore system. :p). Thanks for the feedback! Ya'lls game was fantastic!!