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this is a common gpu bug on windows when using game capture! you can explicitely tell obs to open with your dedicated gpu (right click on the exe > run with graphics processor > select the option that isn't integrated graphics) to see if that fixes for you.

i've never seen that happen with window capture though! on mac there's something like that when you don't give obs permission to capture your screen, you should be able to fix that through the system settings window.

(1 edit)

I don't think I had any issues with OBS Studio myself, but I do share that same issue with that streamlabs version.

And while window capture does work, it however doesn't seem to be a way to have it transparent like you can with the game capture option. 

However there are the filter options, like chroma key, that I can add to the window capture. Just need to make sure your image has a decently cleaned cut edge to reduce bleed through