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As gorgeous and engaging an experience as it was, I had considerable trouble running the game on Linux. Trying to run it from the Itch desktop client, it failed since it was looking for an older version of libavcodec. Running it from the tarball worked better, but it didn't respect my primary monitor and opened on my secondary, and the mouse would only move on half the screen. I ended up having to manually disable fullscreen to get it to work properly, which was less than optimal.

I enjoyed the game all the same despite those problems, but it's something you should definitely be aware of moving forward.

Thanks Nezchan - I've had a few users report similar problems with dual monitors. A fix will be a top priority alongside, optimizing the Linux build, in the next patch this week.


Thanks for the quick reply. I'm writing a review for Gaming On Linux right now, and I'll be sure to include that info.

No problem - very much looking forward to your review!

My review has been posted. You can find it here.

(3 edits)

A great review - I really appreciate you taking the time to write and publish and show the game your support. 

I've just released version 1.1.0 which I believe addresses some of the issues you were facing - hopefully making for a smoother Linux experience!