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Hmm, so I guess there are info that only used to appear in discord channel. I never checked there before, maybe I should take a look over there as well. :)

By the way I dont think Maeve is an Etheriam, because in the girls page in the game the race is specified as follows
Izanami :- Etheriam/Kitsune
Tsukiko :- Etheriam/Lunar Rabbit
Maeve   :- Guardian
Hell    :- Etheriam/HellHound
Considering the fact Maeve was introduced before Hell and  still missing Etheriam tag in girls page should be enough proof for that.

That's why I put a question mark next to her name, I'm not sure what a Guardian would fall under. But yeah there is a few things that are discord only. Well, until I put it on the wiki that is.