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Darth Falcon

A member registered Jan 03, 2021

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It's.. A sandbox. There's some level of expectation that you would explore the environment on your own. 

Idk how it's problematic? I've been playing for 2. 5 years and can think of less than 3 situations I didn't know what to do. The hints and the quests explain 99% of events.

You need to copy the launch.ins file into the folder called data where you installed the launcher to.

The launcher downloads updates whenever you hit check for updates. That way you don't have to download the zip every time.

Tl;Dr You need to run the apk once for the folders to generate, or make them yourself

OOT was a renpy game converted to Unity. Unity likely has an option to allow for creating multiple APK's or can be created. Renpy compiles your apk and only has an option for one, meaning there is no way to make 'installers', without modifying Ren'py (and the RAPT compiler) internally. Unity doesn't run on python, its C#, and Android permissions are a lot more complicated than a simple install or uninstall button. Could it be done? I'm sure if you wanted to mess with it. Would a single Ren'Py update break everything horribly? Almost certainly. I wouldn't even know where to start with having something like that. It would be easier to make a full on launcher style app for Android, and even that isn't easy.

The install instructions are inside the Android zip file, so anyone who downloads has instructions on what to do. I wish it was easier, and I know some people struggle, especially on Android 13. But short of programming a custom solution, there isn't an easy fix. I would be curious to know how the game who's name I'm forgetting works, since they were able to move the assets to a different directory. That could be something that is looked into

Users have used the launcher under wine successfully. Your best bet would be to use the launcher for patching but manually run the sh script for native performance(since windows and Linux use the same build, only how renpy is called is different)

The launcher isn't required no. You can use Itch or the zip files. 

The game won't launch until after the patch is complete as the installer only contains the launcher, not the full game. All you need to do is run the installer, uncheck the box at the end, copy the ins file into data, run launcher, hit check for updates. That should open the patch window to install the game.

The launcher is a separate option to using the zip installs. You don't need to use the launcher. The benefit is you get the uncompressed version as Itch as a 4gh limit, so the version Itch installs is compressed. Or you can download the uncompressed zips from Patreon(public links)

Renpy doesn't support creating multiple apk's. It only supports a single apk, which you correctly stated is above the 2gb limit. The install instructions on the wiki tell you that a13 has permissions requiring a 3rd party file manager such as zarchiver. 

If you are aware of a way to take an existing apk and split it into multiple then that's something that can be looked into. But as far as I'm aware the only other option is to have people move the assets into android/data as they are now.

How did you even find a comment from a year ago. Don't want to know how far you scrolled. Anyway if you don't have the handling room you need to fix the house first. Explore the house if you haven't, and if you are looking for the etheria you didn't listen to what maeve told you, so go back and replay that event

That's a fair point, I am not familiar with them.

You missed the entire portion where Ren'Py games are pre-rendered. A 1080p image is a 1080p image. It doesn't matter if you view it on integrated graphics or a 4090Ti. The same with the videos. As long as you have the cpu power to decode, you will have the exact same visual quality as every other user. I'm not sure how simply "not being a gamer" means you don't care about how the game looks. 99% of renpy renders look similar, so having something to stand out visually is a benefit to CoR. I don't know anyone who dislikes having high quality renders.

I do fully agree, CoR very well could become 20-30GB. Thats simply the nature of Ren'Py. I myself have no problem with that. I use the launcher on Windows so my updates are only a fraction of the size of the game.

I don't mean to insinuate the game is fully optimized, but I can also say I don't personally know any people who play CoR who would want zim to switch to 720p, or who want to be forced to play the compressed version. I've played both, and even on my Pixel 3xl, I can see the lower quality of the compressed version. Maybe thats just me, but IMO reducing the quality to make it fit into an APK when there is likely years and many more GB of content feels unneeded. 

There has been several alternatives suggested, and we will most likely be following an approach similar to Lucky Paradise. I've already begun looking into it to help Zim figure out what needs to be done. Ideally Joiplay will only be a requirement for a month or two at most.

(1 edit)

the download is already updated

This was fixed in 0.77

Do you find this easier than Joiplay? My only concern with a method like that is people won't know how to update their game. Someome actually suggested this on the discord as well, so it may be something zim goes with. I'm looking into the best way to do it without too many extra steps.

I'm not sure what's 'alarming' about a large game made in renpy. By the very nature of the engine everything is pre rendered, so the game itself is images, videos, and script/logic to go along with those. A larger gamet typically means more renders/animations. I.e. A longer and more detailed game. CoR is rendered at 1080p, while some games are at 720p or lower. There is a noticeable quality drop rendering at 720p. This is especially noticeable in animations or characters with skin overlays, of which all the girls and mc have. 

Also 12gb is fairly on par with other renpy/koikatsu games. HHG, which hasn't recurved an Update since October of 2020 is 9.55gb (imagine how big it will be when it is updated). CoR wasn't even at 3gb back then. Lil is 8gb. OOT is 8gb. CK is 2gb, but they render at 720p and precompress, they don't have an uncompressed version, which would likely be 5-6gb (due to 720p rendering instead of 1080p)

All of the images in CoR are webp which are much more efficient than png or jpg. That's also why it's possible to compress down to 2.1gb. But you reach a point where the compression reduces the visual quality below what anybody would consider acceptable or enjoyable. So I would say the CoR is highly optimized and in line with games of similar engines and image creation.

An android installer is being looked into, but keep in mind your comparing the techniques of billion dollar companies to a game with a single dev, so it's not like he can crank out an installer overnight.

the builds are all being reuploaded. The bugs that were being reported weren't what Zimon was getting when he tested it. Check here for when the links will be back up.

The Launcher is always last to get the update, and the pic has been updated.

Gives me a negative vote bc I'm answering questions when I'm not even the  dev. Guess I just won't answer then.

the builds are all being reuploaded. The bugs that were being reported weren't what Zimon was getting when he tested it. Check here for when the links will be back up.

the builds are all being reuploaded. The bugs that were being reported weren't what Zimon was getting when he tested it. Check here for when the links will be back up.

not implemented yet

read her card...

At this point just join the discord, too many questions to answer. Easier to do it there.

No hay traducciones oficiales, esas son un objetivo de Patreon. Hay versiones no oficiales que puedes encontrar, pero no están respaldadas ni admitidas, es decir, no podemos ayudarte si tienes algún problema porque los traductores podrían haber interferido con el código del juego.

Updates are monthly. Public is always 5 days after early access.

You would have to install it and find out. the apk is around 900mb so you should have ~3.6gb. My guess 3 may not be enough, but it depends. It's not an exact science.

Android needs ~4x the size of the apk (limitation of sideloading)

No idea what you are trying to say, but if you are talking about maeve lewds she needs more story and character development before zim will be adding any lewds. lewding her rn wouldn't make any sense.

Not out yet

Siga el conejo en el festival, luego descanse, no duerma al nuevo día.

You are going to need to be more specific as to the song. Or use the Shazam app and the Music player on the main menu to search for it.

Since you editied the image I have no idea what other quests you have. Do your other events and come back to that one. Make sure you check Cleos's card as well.

It's implemented, it tells you exactly when to go to the library too.

You are skipping the content by clicking. Don't press anything, the fade to black is intentional.