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(1 edit)

My goodness, Chiel o.O This is why I'm thinking to do a health checkup. They say it is recommended to do this once a year. I'm definitely not that healthy. So I'm kinda curious and scared of my condition. Maybe a definite diagnosis can scare me to finally exercise consistently lol

Of course we understand! Health is the number one priority. Please take care of yourself and maybe decrease your target per week. Actually, in following a game development, my only concerns are: (1) is the game still in development? (2) is the developer healthy? I don't really care about when the game will finish 🤷‍♀️ So don't worry about this and please stay healthy!

Edit: I'll drink lots right now wkwkwk

Yes, PangHerHeart, you really should!
Yesterday was the first time I did a medical checkup and well, I was surprised to say the least :'D
But it's better to know now before it's too late, right? And yes lol, I'm scared--they really do scare us to finally exercise and to take care of our bodies better x'D

Thank you for being understanding <3 *huggs
I'll still do my best but it's reassuring to know that you'll always have my back!

You too, please take care of yourself! We often underestimate lots of small things--which will eventually pile up and you'll suddenly find yourself in my shoes QuQ but the doctors said that youngsters these days are often diagnosed with Diabetes/Cholesterol due to drinking coca cola and boba tea daily. I'm actually a rare case with Hyperaggregation :'))

Thanks again and see you soon!