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The game's concept and plot was very interesting, and I really wish more was done with it, like having enemies that acted like a ball-and-chain or starting out as one of the amalgamated scientists yourself.

I'm also unsure if I got lucky or if the boss was that easy, since all I did was spam bullets to block its' shots and try to shoot it back when it was on the ground.

Still, other than the already-known glitches, the game was pretty fun, and I'd love to see a more fleshed out version with the same storyline!


Thanks for the advice! Sadly, we only had 2 hours to spare at the end of the jam, which made it near impossible to make it any more fleshed out, like adding advanced enemies (even though I planned it). Also, yep- the boss is that easy: for a game jam making a boss too difficult could result in your reviewer quitting prematurely, so I made sure that it was easily beatable.

I'm not sure if my game-dev partner will continue this exact theme, but I'm planning on my eventual genuine Metroidvania game being set in the human body.

Thanks for playing :D

Yeah, that's the nature of game jams, sometimes you just gotta drop stuff. And that part about not making the game too hard I should've kept in mind for my own game, haha.

I love the concept of a Metroidvania game set in the human body - it really reminds me of the game Bowser's Inside Story, if you've heard of that. I'd definitely follow the development of it if you start working on it!