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Admin (2 edits) (+2)

Thanks for the report, it looks like the issue happened because you changed the “type” of the field after someone had provided a responses to it. (From freeform text to a selection)

Did you use the unlock_fields special param to edit fields after the submission time?

I’ve gone ahead and repaired that response so the entries should be loading correctly now.


Thank you!!! You fixed it

I was having trouble figuring out the syntax for a single choice submission field. (1,text, 2,text) and was editing/saving the submission quite frequently. Maybe 6 times over two minutes. I don't remember exactly what I was changing, but I am not familiar with the unlock_fields parameter.

I do believe you're correct because I did notice a submission while I was editing the form.

Thanks again!

one minor thing, but if you are able to restore all submissions to the submission feed that'd be wonderful.

If not - we'll live. Have a great weekend!


I’m not sure what you mean, did something else happen? I didn’t make any other changes.

there’s the page “submission feed” which is missing a couple submissions (the ones submitted before the glitch).