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Thanks for posting! glad you are enjoying the game. We aren't maintaining a known issues post anywhere but I am thinking about how that could be handled. I've been considering making the "Bugs" trello board public and posting a link but it has a LOT of stuff on there that wouldn't be interesting to players (Like tech bugs or really rare edge cases we've seen like once). Plus a lot of "bugs" fall under "weird quirks of the game we aren't explaining well" :D

We're definitely going to look into shortening the delays that have been reported. A delay was added between turns loooooong ago because it seemed like there were times when things happened too fast but now maybe we can remove them? or at least try it? I'm open to that.

The shotgun def falls under the "quirks" category from above. A shotgun weapon only does max damage from 1-2 tiles away, and then scales down to half damage depending on the distance. 

The Kill Shot skill not triggering sounds like a bug and I'll log it!