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The Chimney has a visual glitcch if you stand on top of the roof. (Don't know if next is bug) You can throw a chest all the way across the map if you flick your mouse when holding it and release halfway.

O.o you really shouldn't be able to throw something across the map in the 9's versions... everytime I've thrown something they've hit an invisible threshold and "hung" in the air (kills their momentum) - Once I walk towards it, the "threshold" moves, the item, falls - free from "hanging"... 

I suppose I haven't tried with old or new crate... but ores, ingots, and Logs all stop midair before they go skyrocketing away. 

Although. I've never attempted throwing things from very high up on the map, like from the roof, if that's what you mean.

Perhaps the "threshold" only triggers if you're on the ground. I wouldn't know since I've not tried.

It only works with closed lid crates and bought crates from the parts shop.