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The physics were fun to try to figure out. From reading the comments, the fact that the slime’s contact surface area contributes to jump power was extremely good to know and helped me get through the high jump level. In the tutorial I didn’t understand the timing.

The more advanced levels worked well when I was following the same path as the author, and less well when I was trying to work out what to do. The physics didn’t lend themselves well to other solutions to the level. For example, the one with the flinging, where you’d be launched off incorrectly unless you were at the correct spot and pressed jump at the correct time.

Trying to be precise in this isn’t very fun, so I think levels that focused around speed rather than precision in this would be a lot less frustrating and more enjoyable. Do you plan to do anything else to this game after the jam is over?

Overall though, solid game. Thanks for making it.


Thank you a lot for a thorough review! Yep, I do have post-jam plans on the game, and polishing and fine-tuning the controls and level design is of prime importance.

Best of luck!!