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Really enjoy this use of the RPG Maker systems as puzzle mechanics, I found this one difficult, but in a good and thoughtful way! I like that each character can only replenish one part, like Dana can replenish mana and Michalis can only replenish mana. That and the enemies having mana bars themselves makes for interesting puzzles where you need to think each battle out in your head. Nice work!


I also like the commitment to wrapping the mechanic in a story layer (one that fits in the rest of the xdan Jam Saga™)!

Haha yeah, let's call it the xdan RPG Maker Saga. I actually wanted to include a few more dialogues but I ran out of time.

Thank you Harry for trying another one of my games!

Yeah, I had this idea of one character replenishing the other one's health. But I quickly realized there was no reason to switch back to the initial character. So I made life steal consume mana, and I made the initial character able to replenish mana.

This proved a different challenge for me, as now not only did I have to carefully design a single battle, I had to design a complete array of battles and think of all the possible interactions between them.

I'm so glad you enjoyed it!