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First, I like the potion level as health indicator, it is even animated, lovely! I liked the sacrafice-type area attack too. But I maybe misunderstood something, but does the dash attack lower your health too? Or was I just slow and the enemy hit me? It felt strange. Also the health regeneration on time proposes a gameplay where the player just hides for a long time.

Thank you for playing! The dash attack does lower your health because you are made of glass and you "crash" against the enemy. I can see how that may seem unintutive and we will address the issues you have mentioned in a post-jam release. Thank you for your feedback!

- Felix

Oh, I see. Thanks for the clarification. It makes sense of course. The confusion came from the game page which said “defeat enemies by crashing against them, OR consume some of your life-force for an explosive area attack “ which sounded to me like only the area attack consumes the HP.

Apologies for the misunderstanding! I'll change the game page to reflect that.

- Felix