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Thank you for the constructive feedback! Glad you enjoyed the challenges. What did you not like about the controls by the way, the challenge of the spring or the characters general unresponsiveness?

No, those felt OK to me, and the challenge of the spring is essential to the game. I meant the control scheme, in that I had to stop and think about what buttons to press, and in what sequence, to get the outcome I wanted. Something more intuitive, maybe WASD and arrow keys simultaneously (instead of switching), would have let me focus on the game instead of the controls. Or maybe it would be better with a controller?

Did you try different control schemes, or was this just the one that made sense and you stuck with it?

I did try the WASD + arrow keys control scheme, but it was even more confusing for me and this felt more conventional. Maybe that's because I haven't played many games with such a control scheme, but using 10 buttons just felt like too much.


Sure. It's just something to think about in the future, and that I think a lot of people overlook.

Either way, great work!