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I've played about five submissions so far, and this one turned out to be my favorite so far. The possession mechanic was really fun to help navigate through the obstacles. In this way, the game object characters possess more value in completing the level. The wall jump feature was nice, but I think I was more impressed with the character being able to recognize a ledge to climb up on; collider detecting ground tagged blocks maybe? Still, this was fun to play and finish. Good use of signs and coin placement to help guide the player through the level. Overall, this possession mechanic has great potential to become a puzzle platformer. As a suggestion, you may want to consider limiting the player's character to run, jump, and possess; this way, you can create a game object, like a monkey, to possess that can wall jump. Otherwise, if you keep the wall jump to the player's designated character, then consider designing levels that incorporate wall jumping to elevate into a possession of a game object. In any case, amazing job with your submission; I hope this game project is one that you may consider refining further.


I love the way you think!

I'm happy you noticed that the coins were there to guide you along the way. Also, I'm impressed how you learned all the player mechanics so fast :)

I will definitely re-think the mechanic of the player. Minimize it as much as possible and force player into more possessions.
A monkey that wall-jumps. Man, that is genius :)

I want to continue developing Possession and make it into a full fledge game.
When that day comes, I will add your name at special thanks in credits!

I can't thank you enough for your feedback. It's worth a lot :)

I appreciate your response, and if it helps give you some inspiration, consider playing or at least watching some game play videos from the Shantae series, her recent two games would be good places to check; but with her Genie magic, she transforms to other creatures so that she may navigate obstacles similar to your game. It’s a 2D platforming game, so it should help draw closer comparisons. Otherwise, you can always draw inspiration from Super Mario Odyssey, especially if you decide to keep the player’s designated character to be agile. In any case, I hope your game wins the Game Jam, or receives further recognition for your accomplishment here!