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Thanks for feedback! Yeah- Indeed the jam pioneered it.. 

Its good to hear you like the core mechanic :)

Well that gravity is indeed sometimes a bit annoying (though i wasn't able to make it better while developing- while more gravity was making the game a nightmare less gravity felt.. strange ..) And you are right about the close-up camera.. Believe me or not i didn't even think of it.. I was way too busy making other things.. Well- i will remember to think of camera while making other games :)   Yeah fires hitbox is small..If i made them bigger but decreased their damage a little bit game would feel better..

Thanks! While i was learning Unity's basics  i also learned programs like blender so i am really used to make 3d games.. Actually because i rarely make 2d i find making 3d game easier :)  (Also there is the fact that my 2d art is..   something that shouldn't be considered art :D )

Thank you for valuable feedback!