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Triple digit review baby. Really fun and interesting mechanic. It feels good to get into the rhythm of hitting the ball, and aiming snappy to hit enemies. I like the small amount of enemies too, the combinations lead to interesting moments of trying to aim, dodge, and choosing who to go for first.

The ball felt very inconsistent sometimes. Sometimes I'd click when its green and still catch it and get hurt, and other times my timing would be off, and I'd still somehow hit when it's not green. Also, when the ball is behind you its just really weird. Hitting it will sometimes knock it into yourself and kill you, and it can be easy to get the ball behind you when you're moving around.

Still, I kept opening the game up again to play, it's a fun time killer. When you get into the zone it's a really relaxing and fun game.

My last negative is the audio. I personally think it's a little weak. It doesn't feel very satisfying to me to kill enemies, and I wish hitting the ball and having the ball hit the wall made a louder noise. And lastly, I personally didn't like the music very much.

Very good entry though! I always end up having these big long paragraphs about the negatives but I really did enjoy the game, it's good!