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Again you've made a color-changing thing that I feel like I barely understand but enjoy poking at anyway.  :)  I can't believe you got reflections and blobby rendering working in LOVE this quick, jesus christ, are you a witch.

My only regret, as with most dates, is that the food is not infinite.


Haha, thanks! It's really just a combination of a bunch of old demoscene techniques, applied using shaders. (Also there's refractions!)

My actual plan for the game is that there would only be a few items on the table at a time and they would spawn slowly (like Magikarp Jump), and different drag interactions would cause the slime to react in different ways. And also a bit of a dialog tree. I hope to get to all that stuff eventually.


Oh by the way the graphics stuff in Colorful Critter was actually quite a bit more complicated. :)