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Hi guys! long time no update Smiley

Lots of personal stuff got in the way, including my grandfather's passing.

I've been thinking a lot about this game and was just about to give up on it, due to not finding clarity about its purpose and gameplay. Today I launched it again and had some fun tweaking stuff, got some motivation to work a little and ended up spending my entire day doing improvements.

So I won't drop it, but I decided to cut the features and release a simpler version of this toy/simulation for free... when it's ready Smiley

Today I tweaked a lot of the simulation stuff, to slowly introduce life forms. Right now only microscopic life exists, which is introduced in the 2nd era and will allow grass and marshes to appear.

I also decided to disable many of the different play modes I tried, because I didn't find any purpose for them. So right now the game map expands without limits, but the player has to place new blocks in the edges of existing tiles (no free place).

Hopefully I'll find someone who likes the idea and volunteers to help making some decent tiles Smiley