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The graphics are TOP-NOTCH. It's the first time in the jam I'm truly impressed by the visuals of a game. You did all of this in only 48h ? Damn, you guys are talented !

The concept itself was... Weird xD. The aiming with that camera angle was hard, but... I don't think I'm supposed to fire at the enemies anyway ? I played a bit with the stuns and knockbacks, but the most effective strategy seemed to just run in circle. I think that I miss something about what I need to do ^^'.

Honestly, I think that it's a really good starting point for a more complete game. I could really dig a Diablo-like type of game from that, with more rooms to explore, more enemies and some gameplay enhancements. Overall, that was still a positive experience, congratulations ^^ !

Also, I managed to fall during a transition by going near the walls, resulting in an infinite fall out of bounds ^^.

Thanks for giving it a play! 

We're really happy with the visuals! The art guys are really talented I'm lucky to have them on my team! 

We tried to go for something a bit different and admittedly it didn't work as well as we'd like but hey, we tried! :D

We were aware of the falling out of the levels but just ran out of time and couldn't get colliders on the windows, but hey, wouldn't be a gamejam without some terrible bug!