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Very original, really cohesive art style.  The controls were good, and the game mechanics were really unique, very different from most of the other entries I've seen.  I how organic the rain-dance feels as a game mechanic.  And I loved how there were alternate endings depending on how you play.  Really cool concept! 

I wish the pushing-clouds controls were a little less finicky.  Sometimes I had a hard time getting them where I wanted them, and couldn't really tell why. 

overall fantastic job, well done!


Thank you so much for the kind words and thoughtful review!

I think I know what you mean by "sometimes the clouds didn't go where I wanted and I didn't know why". I think that happens when you intersect yourself and so if you started pushing the clouds with your head, they might get stuck to your tail accidentally. 

Initially we thought this was part of the challenge, but it's not clear when that happens. I wonder if making it so that if it's already stuck to one part of your body it can't stick to another would help.

Thanks again!

Oh yeah, that makes sense. Either way, this was a fantastic, impressive entry. I really enjoyed my time with it, and thought it was a great, original idea!