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(2 edits)

Hey, I can only agree with everyone else here!

Your game is really, really great. It's difficult for me to express what I'm feeling about it since English isn't my native tongue, but I'll try just because I want you to know how much I enjoyed your game. 

At first: That gameplay was so much fun! The management with improving skills, making records, buying new thingies and talk to the lovable band members - I adore it. The great music selection makes it perfect. And I loved the art to put on new releases. I had such a great time playing it, I enjoyed myself an awful lot, thank you so much for this!

But the best part: Your writing. It is stunning! I'm normally not up for drama in visual novels but this was so, so well written that it felt just natural and real. You have the characters fleshed out so well that I really grew to like them, everyone in their own way. And I actually cared about them! I love how you can feel the growing friendship between them and how each one is developing in his character. And this combined with that gripping, heart-stopping story! It gave me goosebumps, it made me laugh and nearly cry. And the romance. Gosh. I really, really am looking forward to a continuing of the three main guys, I love them all by now. You made them real persons with real stories! I would be so happy about reading more of them. Especially Dallas. That final scene. Oh my, I want to see him so much in a lasting relationship with Robin. It's completely understandable that you have a lot on your mind already with work and your personal life! And I hope you can enjoy Rockrobin after all that work you surely had. I will just stick around and keep looking for news of Dallas, Beau and Emmit, no matter the time it takes. I'm just happy that you want to continue. And I mean it, I'm so much looking forward to see some more Robin story some day, and it's completely fine that you take your time. I'm happy by knowing that you want to continue. :)

So, that was a long post, I hope I didn't took to much of you're time with my rambling, but I want you to know so badly what I think about that fantastic experience you created! Thank you so much!

I hope all is well with you and you feel alright! And I'm looking forward to any news, take your time. :)

P.S.: Best wishes from Germany, I so enjoyed Faust's accent and rambling in the music store. :D But mostly in open mode there were some things that Germans wouldn't really say naturally. It's no big deal, and maybe you meant it just that way, but if you want to I could make some suggestions how someone from Germany might express himself. :)