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Looks good. How did you get that glow around the objects? I've been trying to find out how to do that. Do you use a custom shader?

I like the idea of the game, but unfortunately  I don't get that stressed feeling I'd expect to get from this game. Maybe it's the lack of music. You should have a sound of sand falling down on each hourglass, and some alert sound when an hourglass is about to be emptied. I think that would make a big difference. Either way, cool idea, a little more polish and it would have been awesome! 

Good luck next game jam! :)

(1 edit)

I actually tried something with the sand sound. I think it would sound awesome if each hourglass had some kind of unique noisy sand falling effect. All of them adding up to a noisy sand orchestra was what I was aiming for, but since I am no sound designer, and tried this at the last day, I failed =(

As for the glow effect, most of the logic behind it is in this video: 

With some minor differences to make it work with the code I had. If you'd like to I can add my code to GitHub so you can have a look!

Thanks for the feedback =)