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Hello (Minim and Myx from the discord here)! 

We liked how easy it was to understand and interact with your mechanics! The varying kinds of block and the progression with fewer blocks appearing as you go felt nice.

As for improvements it'd be nice with more feedback on the different block's mechanics, some of them were obvious while other were trickier to grasp.

And most importantly we scored 14,522 points, fight us!

Thank you very much for your kind words and feedback. Sadly due to the time constraint of the GMTK GameJam 2021 we did not fully implement all materials (some were even left out of the game entirely). We are considering adding them into the game after the voting for the GMTK GameJam 2021 ends.

Thats the highest score so far we have heard about. We should have added a leaderboard to keep track haha! 


Fight Challenge Accepted! >:D