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The game's art and its Art Deco aesthetic is absolutely tremendous and very well polished! The sound design was likewise excellent. It amazes me how you guys managed to create a established world in only 5 or so scenes and a couple of sentences, something which the clear characterization  of the antagonist superbly.  I have two criticisms. One is that although the tutorial tells you how to move, it doesn't tell us that the rope between the two bombs block the incoming objects. The second is that the gameplay is just frankly a bit too short. I think I spent more time in the intro than the actual game itself. Introducing the different types of  enemies and obstacles more slowly would have better paced out the experience. Excellent game! I hope to see more like this in the future.

(1 edit) (+1)

Hello! Thanks for the feedback! Unfortunately, due to a bug, beating the first stage causes the “You Win” scene, when in fact there should’ve been 7.


Ah I see! Well done regardless.