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Danial Jumagaliyev

A member registered Jan 27, 2019 · View creator page →

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Hey SurocIsMe!

Please familiarize yourself with how the leaderboard entries work:

Hello Shadownildo!

Yes you can!

Hey Santos!

Due to a new browser policy copying to clipboard became broken on some browsers and I am working on fixing it (there may not be a way to fix this 💀). As a temporary workaround, I made the keys appear on top of the Unity view, so you will be able to copy the keys from there for now. The keys are alternatively printed in the developer console, so you can copy them from there.

Hey ip7_i!

Due to a new browser policy copying to clipboard became broken on some browsers and I am working on fixing it. As a temporary workaround, I made the keys appear on top of the Unity view, so you will be able to copy the keys from there for now. The keys are alternatively printed in the developer console, so you can copy them from there.

Hello snon200!

You may only create leaderboards manually through the tool.

Hello BestStadio!

It it important that you save your leaderboards' secret keys because they are only stored in the browser's cache upon creation, and could be deleted when you erase your browser's data.

(1 edit)

Hey geoffc!

For now, it's a SaaS API.

It might be because your leaderboard is set to sort in ascending order, meaning the lowest score will be saved if you submit a higher score.

Hey dambotron!

Unfortunately to your case, the score is and should be a positive number, but all you need to do on your end is offset the resulting scores by subtracting them.

Hello SaraCastro132!

This is a global issue, and I assure you I am working on fixing this.

Hey F-AR!

Please see the documentation guide here:

Hey Costiklev!

Please see the documentation guide here:

Hey SaraCastro132!

Yes, it should work for all platforms!

Hey Galaware Consulting LLC!

Currently the servers are facing some hiccups that I'm working on fixing. Sorry for the inconveniences.

Hey ManamanTR!

This is something that's going to be implemented in the next update!

Hey colecantcode!

I am pretty sure you might be calling some function recursively by accident. Regardless, I can take a look at it if you provide your code to me via Discord (@danqzq).

Should be up right now!

Hello DenyGamez!

They should be working, but due to so many leaderboards being maintained at once it's hard for it to keep up. I am trying my best to keep it running with as less downtime as possible.

Hey gamershousestudio!

Due to a new browser policy copying to clipboard became broken on some browsers and I am working on fixing it. As a temporary workaround, I made the keys appear on top of the Unity view, so you will be able to copy the keys from there for now. The keys are alternatively printed in the developer console, so you can copy them from there.

Poor Laurier..

Due to a new browser policy copying to clipboard became broken on some browsers and I am working on fixing it. As a temporary workaround, I made the keys appear on top of the Unity view, so you will be able to copy the keys from there for now. The keys are alternatively printed in the developer console, so you can copy them from there.

Not sure, what happened, but I am working on investigating the issue.

Hey, it should be up and running!

Hello T- cius!

Make sure your Authorization Save Mode isn't set to Unhandled in the settings window of the tool.

Hello 5kr1mp!

Please refer to the FAQ which goes over why this is happening:

Hey Gitanerie!

No problem! Yes, just call UploadNewEntry with the new username. That will update the username for the entry and retain the high score.

As a temporary workaround, I made the keys appear on top of the Unity view, so you will be able to copy the keys from there for now.

Hey osbaldoj!

Could you send me the public key or secret key of your leaderboard through Discord? I think I will be able to fully understand your problem with more explanation or a live demo. My username there is: @danqzq

Hey, due to a new browser policy copying to clipboard became broken on some browsers and I am working on fixing it. The keys are alternatively printed in the developer console, so you can copy them from there.

This should be fixed now!

Hey Morgee!

I will take a look and try to fix this soon, thanks for letting me know!

Hello invertedMirrors!

Where are you handling the player's score in your game?


Son... are you sure it's the Finnish line?

Lots and lots of planning... you can probably tell that I rushed the heck out of the music in the game 😆

It should be working! The server must have not loaded properly... I will make sure that it is always on!

Hey joeyjojoe71!

If you could fetch all the entries of your leaderboard, then you can write your own algorithm to sort those entries based on their usernames in alphabetical order.