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Very solid game! It's nice that some puzzles can be solved in different ways. In fact, looking at the page background, I realized I totally bruteforced that puzzle. 

Nice presentation too. It's awesome to see how much polish you were able to get in such short time.

(2 edits) (+2)


The puzzle from the page background was what inspired the game's idea, however I think it's awesome that you managed to find a unique solution to it!


Lol yeah. The first non-dev playtester I gave that puzzle to spent ages trying to figure it out. Somehow, they managed to find a way to trap Skele-Tony's skull under a platform, then stretch the spine out so it acted as a slingshot, launching him and his sponge up to the button. I figured if anyone went to all that effort to solve that puzzle, they deserved the win. 

Thanks for the nice comment!